Introduction to Order Uploads:

The Locad OMS now supports manual order uploading through the Order Uploads module, conveniently located within the Orders section. Brands can effortlessly upload their orders using a provided sample spreadsheet template, following the simple steps outlined below:

Uploading Orders Manually:

    1. On the Locad OMS, navigate to Orders --> Order Uploads and click on 'Download Sample Template'

    2. Open the downloaded template using any Spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel/WPS Office etc and fill in the required details in the 'Order Creation' sheet.

      Please ensure that all order information is entered into the worksheet
      named 'Order Creation'; failure to do so will result in an error being
      generated by the system.

      The following is the list of fields present in the template: (fields/columns marked with 
      green are mandatory) 

      Marketplace Order IdYOrder reference number. It CANNOT be reused.
      Marketplace Order RefAlternative reference number. It can be reused.
      CODYCash On Delivery. If TRUE, the order requires cash collection on delivery.
      Total PriceYTotal price of the order. If the COD is TRUE, total price will be the amount collectable from the brand.
      Payment MethodYPayment Method for Reference. You can use any text for your reference.

      If COD = TRUE, the Payment Method should be either:

      "Cash on Delivery"


      CurrencyYCurrency of the order
      Billing Address - First NameYFirst name (Billing Address)
      Billing Address - Last NameLast name (Billing Address)
      Billing Address - Address Line 1YAddress line 1 (Billing Address)
      Billing Address - Address Line 2Address line 2 (Billing Address)
      Billing Address - CityYCity (Billing Address). Please ensure that the state and city are correctly indicated on the respective fields.
      Billing Address - StateYState (Billing Address). Please ensure that the state and city are correctly indicated on the respective fields.
      Billing Address - CountryYCountry (Billing Address). Please use ISO 2 character country code.
      Billing Address - ZipcodeYZipcode (Billing Address)
      Billing Address - PhoneYPhone (Billing Address)
      Billing Address - EmailYEmail (Billing Address)
      Shipping Address - First NameYFirst name (Shipping Address)
      Shipping Address - Last NameLast name (Shipping Address)
      Shipping Address - Address Line 1YAddress line 1 (Shipping Address)
      Shipping Address - Address Line 2Address line 2 (Shipping Address)
      Shipping Address - CityYCity (Shipping Address). Please ensure that the state and city are correctly indicated on the respective fields.
      Shipping Address - StateYState (Shipping Address). Please ensure that the state and city are correctly indicated on the respective fields.
      Shipping Address - CountryYCountry (Shipping Address). Please use ISO 2 character country code.
      Shipping Address - ZipcodeYZipcode (Shipping Address)
      Shipping Address - PhoneYPhone (Shipping Address)
      Shipping Address - EmailYEmail (Shipping Address)
      Shipment TypeYShipment type. Accepts Standard, Express and SameDay. Please take note that not all non "Standard" shipment types are available for your account. Reach out to your account manager if you require such services.
      SKU QtyYOrdered quantity of the item
      Order Item IdOrder item reference number. If left blank, it will be based on Marketplace Order Id with a sequence number as suffix.
      Product SKUYSKU number
      Item PriceYTotal price of the order item. For example, an Item Price of 75 refers to the total SKU Qty of the item.
      FulfillableYIndicates whether item requires fulfillment by the warehouse. For digital items such as gift card, it should be indicated as FALSE.

    3. After completing the required order details, choose the appropriate warehouse and proceedby uploading the .xlsx file. Simply click on the designated 'Drag and drop a file here or click' area to initiate the upload process.

      Tip: When creating a multi-SKU order in the upload file, billing and shipping details do not
      need to be filled out for each SKU i.e.

      Billing/Shipping Address - First Name
      Billing/Shipping Address - Last Name    
      Billing/Shipping Address - Address Line 1
      Billing/Shipping Address - Address Line 2    
      Billing/Shipping Address - City    
      Billing/Shipping Address - State    
      Billing/Shipping Address - Country    
      Billing/Shipping Address - Zipcode    
      Billing/Shipping Address - Phone    
      Billing/Shipping Address - Email 

      The system will take these values from the first SKU itself.

    4. Once the upload is complete, the file will be in 'QUEUED' OR 'PROCESSING' status. Refresh the page
      after few minutes to find the latest status of the upload.

      Status =  FAILED 

      If the upload status is "FAILED", it indicates an issue with the order upload file and no orders are created in 
      the system.

      • Error File Download: To identify the issue, download the Error File, which will have two extra columns
        along with the original order data:
        • Status: Indicates whether an order has any issues.
          • "Valid" – No issues with the order number.
          • "Invalid" – The order has issues that need attention.
        • Error: Specifies the issue with the order and suggests necessary corrections.

      Once the required changes are made, the user can save the file and re-upload it.

      Status =  SUCCESS 

      The orders have been successfully uploaded and are now ready for fulfillment.
      Users can review their status by navigating to OrdersManage Orders.